I am writing about this specific topic because I actually have time now to go through my house and organzie and replace photos and do a little inner and outer redecorating at home =]Exactally a year ago my best friend and I had parted ways. 5 years was the max amount stamped on the friendship. SO much water under the bridge it can never be repaired. Hurtful actions were done on both parts and its basically embeded in out brain to "hate" one an other. Long story short, I mischiveously "stumbled" across some unfortunate text messages and couldn't stomache what I'd seen. My "best friend" actually said that about me? In disbelief I was giving this person excuses simply because of an immature unfluence that was lingering around her @ the time.(which is why i felt the need to be a detective) But in reality I was the butt end of their jokes. I was wrong for going through the phone and wanted to confront her so badly but her wedding was 4 weeks away and I didnt want to even begin a battle @ this point. More and more occuances had happened, such as "fat" pictures of me saved on this persons computer which was shown to me on accident by her. This person was trusted with my passwords to everything, and to dig into my stuff and find these photos and save them, its beyond me why my weight gain mattered so much to her.(infact, everyone seemed to be fat to her) During the wedding planning I was so not emotionally with it. My mind was so confused and I was wondering WHY I was her maid of honor and why we are playing these games. I chose to close myself off to her. I painted a smile and did what needed to be done.Planned her bachelorette, did bridal showers, and all of the duties (allthough she may beg to differ, but i can guarentee you , she will lose that battle with me because I put a shit load of effort and money into everything!) The bachelorette party had drama, the knife was dug a little deeper in my back.It was just spiraling down farther and farther.Looking back I should have confronted her before the wedding and it would have saved me so much stress and saved her having to crop me out of her photos =] lol And she could have had who she wanted as her MOH. We were both each others Maid-of-Honor at eachothers wedding, and to be honest I think this puts an enormous amount of weight on a friendship. Weddings can bring people together and can tear them apart.There were numerous issues that can not be counted on both hands but thats for another day. ( she lost 3 friends during this and and still doesnt talk to us, and I have only met the other 2 once, but it was a mishap over her first bridal shower) ( that was a jab)....
I have had some amazing things happen to me the past year without what I used to call my bestfriend. I found out Orlo and I were going to be parents a month after her wedding and it changed our life. And she missed out on all of the special moments her "best friend" was having and she will never have someone special like me in her life again. I was there to pick up the pieces for her for 5 years, things she doesnt even know about. I am a great friend, and I can be a bad friend at times. Can't we all? But my great moments out weigh my bad by a ton. Being pregnant and becoming a mother has changed me on so many levels. There is no battle I can not handle and defeat, I am truely not bitter about the past, I am better because of it. We had the greatest times together and if either of us were to deny it, thats a maturity issue and one day she too will hit that aww haa moment and be a strong mature woman. We have never spoke of any of this, I have tried multiple times and asked her to hash it out because our friendship meant too much, but I was unsuccessfull at even getting an acknowledgement. Apparently I didnt hide my emotions during her wedding planning too well if she wont even speak to me.. but like I said, maturity is key! I am so lucky to have the friends I have now, and to be able to look back and learn. Now what should I do with the boat loads of photos I have of us together. Part of me says trash em, but on the other hand, those were some great freakin times and I looked gooood ;-) Any advice what to do with this memorabilia? I am not talking about a few photos, its more like a few hundred topped with a personalized scrapbook from her, and gadgets we have given over the years.. What would you do with all of these things? Cause in all reality it doesnt matter, I have a beautiful baby girl to fill my albums with and a while new outlook on life. Am I over thinking this?
To end, I am just going to say I love my long time friends who understand me and accept me big or small. I have plenty of people I can call friends and some I have known for over 20 years, I plan to keep my friends and have weeded out the toxic a year ago and my life has been one amazing trip. I have rambled on and trust me, this story keeps going. Blah blah blah. Any advice on what to do with the brusied memories stuck on paper and given in gifts?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
3 months of love
Im sure every parent can understand the love they have for their children. In a very fast 3 months our love has grown so much for Kylie. Everyday I can find one more reason why I am absoulutly amazed and in love with her. I am still in the "emotional phase" with her. I can sit and watch her sleep and it still have the urge to burst into tears. She has had so many milestones and its crazy to think how much more she has to learn and we get to watch every second of it! The other day she was laying on her back and she put the palms of her feet together! (something so small, but I was tickled) She tries so hard to roll on her tummy but its still a work in progress. And I can almost put money on it that we made her laugh AND we caught it on film!!! I would post it but its embaressing because I was pretending to eat her hands and she got ahold of my bottom lip and refused to let go...
Kylie had her first sickness a couple weeks ago, It started with a slight fever and ended with a week of a runny nose and cough, which literally broke my heart, I would tottally be sick for her if I could, I quickly found that all the kisses in the world wasnt going to make her better, but I had hoped. I would do anything for this little girl and its so unreal until you actually have a child. Makes me sad to think that when my mom and I were going through my teen years I could have possibly dropped an " I hate you" once or twice. How heartbreaking is that!!! I just have a whole new respect for my parents.
Kylie is in love with Mickeys Club House, in fact, any cartoon on TV will do. She is a straight up addict! We move her from the TV and her eyes will find its way back to the TV, shes glued! Orlo and I are snapping pictures and videos of her any chance we get, we could show you things for hours. Poor Kylie has no privacy! =] She sure is doomed to have silly parents like us. Anything your kid does seems special, like the other day, she had quite the snot bubble, and today she farted in the mail store and made the whole place silent! Thats a true story!!! We always have a chuckle at her bodily functions =] How immature! =] She is offically out of her newborn diapers and clothes and I just cant squeeze her into the cute onesies anymore. I have tried and the poor thing just looks miserable. We have made a lot more visits and met alot of new people since last month, she visited daddys work and his "hang out" @ the taxidermist down the street, and made a pit stop @ Butchs Speed Shop and watched Nana bowl. We are going to make a trip to the pumpkin patch soon and Halloween is going to be great!
Kylie had her first sickness a couple weeks ago, It started with a slight fever and ended with a week of a runny nose and cough, which literally broke my heart, I would tottally be sick for her if I could, I quickly found that all the kisses in the world wasnt going to make her better, but I had hoped. I would do anything for this little girl and its so unreal until you actually have a child. Makes me sad to think that when my mom and I were going through my teen years I could have possibly dropped an " I hate you" once or twice. How heartbreaking is that!!! I just have a whole new respect for my parents.
Kylie is in love with Mickeys Club House, in fact, any cartoon on TV will do. She is a straight up addict! We move her from the TV and her eyes will find its way back to the TV, shes glued! Orlo and I are snapping pictures and videos of her any chance we get, we could show you things for hours. Poor Kylie has no privacy! =] She sure is doomed to have silly parents like us. Anything your kid does seems special, like the other day, she had quite the snot bubble, and today she farted in the mail store and made the whole place silent! Thats a true story!!! We always have a chuckle at her bodily functions =] How immature! =] She is offically out of her newborn diapers and clothes and I just cant squeeze her into the cute onesies anymore. I have tried and the poor thing just looks miserable. We have made a lot more visits and met alot of new people since last month, she visited daddys work and his "hang out" @ the taxidermist down the street, and made a pit stop @ Butchs Speed Shop and watched Nana bowl. We are going to make a trip to the pumpkin patch soon and Halloween is going to be great!
My mom had brought my baby book to Vegas when Kylie was born and I have been waiting to post these. I can see some differances in the 2 photos but seriously just seeing her everyday has major flashbacks to my baby pictures. Of course I think she is a million times more beautiful =]
Little Jamie Little Kylie
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
2 Months
Kylie finally made the journey to Lincoln county! We got to spend a whole week with family friends and fresh air! A BBQ @ my brothers for Marley and Ginos birthday, and BBQ at my pops house for Marissas 16th. We visited Brylee and Amanda, Kara Rose, Auntie Angelyn, and spent lots of time with cousin Dextri,and she experienced her first labor day in Pioche. A much more responsible Labor day this year ;)
She is near perfect at holding her head up and Kylie is smiling for us everyday now! She loves my high pitched annoying voice and loves to have her cheeks pinched, it's a guaranteed smile! Kylie is finding her vocal cords slowly, she coos and of course screams like a maniac when she is beyond hungry, her scream is almost adorable.......... I said almost. She is bonding much more with her daddy now, she is getting a personality and stealing his heart more and more every day.
I left her for the first time with my mom while I went out with friends saturday night during labor day and it was harder than I thought, I of course cried and had a hard time leaving the house. I felt like I needed to make a list of things she needs for them. How rude of me, to think my parents need a manual to take care of a baby! =] LOL All I wanted to do at the Bar was show pictures of my Kylie! (when I wasnt dancing with Jen)But we made it through the night and I was glad to be with her once I got back. It was great seeing everyone and having lots of visitors while we were in there.
She is near perfect at holding her head up and Kylie is smiling for us everyday now! She loves my high pitched annoying voice and loves to have her cheeks pinched, it's a guaranteed smile! Kylie is finding her vocal cords slowly, she coos and of course screams like a maniac when she is beyond hungry, her scream is almost adorable.......... I said almost. She is bonding much more with her daddy now, she is getting a personality and stealing his heart more and more every day.
I left her for the first time with my mom while I went out with friends saturday night during labor day and it was harder than I thought, I of course cried and had a hard time leaving the house. I felt like I needed to make a list of things she needs for them. How rude of me, to think my parents need a manual to take care of a baby! =] LOL All I wanted to do at the Bar was show pictures of my Kylie! (when I wasnt dancing with Jen)But we made it through the night and I was glad to be with her once I got back. It was great seeing everyone and having lots of visitors while we were in there.
Kylie got a baby blessing on Sunday from her Great Grandpa, Uncle Brent, and cousin Travis! It was an amazing 1 1/2 minute prayer to get her started in life, to bless her to be healthy and grow strong, to be patient and kind, to learn about God, and to be mindful of her parents! (remember that when your a teenager Kylie!) Its now up to Orlo and I to teach her the right things. We actually took her to church @ Canyon Ridge Christian church for the first time Sunday and it was great!! I felt like a jerk because we slept in till 8:30 and church started @ 9 and she went to church in her tie dyed jammies.... fail
It was a great lesson in selfishness and about doing service. One of the quotes mentioned was "Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth"
It was a great lesson in selfishness and about doing service. One of the quotes mentioned was "Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth"
I am still adjusting to being a stay at home mom, I no longer go by a clock for time, I go by Kylie time. I swear getting out of the house before 10AM is close to a miracle. If im not feeding my chunky monster, im pumping, then washing bottles, then doing a few things around the house while doing multiple stops to put her pacifier back in, diaper change, a quick soothe , and now maybe I get to shower. And by time im done with all of that and ready to get out of the house it seems like she is ready to eat again.... Annnnnd reapeat! =] You would think I have time to get some things done, which dont get me wrong I do most days, but somedays just seem like a never ending diaper factory and mess hall, which is ok with me =] I just hope I get the swing of things soon, I would like to be out of my bedroom before 9 am one day. And just a note, im not sleeping till nine, although I wish I were =]
* And just a side note for moms who have pumped, WAY TO GO!!!! Its hard stinkin' work!!! It takes exactally 1 hour to complete the feeding process. She eats about 8 times in a 24 hour period and I spend 8 hours a day doing a 30 min feed, 15 min pump, 5 minute bottle and parts wash, and 5 minutes getting bottles and parts ready to pump again in 3 to 4 hours hours... I do wish it was easier for me to nurse, cause its looking pretty awesome right now............................*sigh* (my poor boobs)
I could go on and on about my process during the day, it gets pretty tedious and OCD and I dont want to scare anyone from procreating =]
* And just a side note for moms who have pumped, WAY TO GO!!!! Its hard stinkin' work!!! It takes exactally 1 hour to complete the feeding process. She eats about 8 times in a 24 hour period and I spend 8 hours a day doing a 30 min feed, 15 min pump, 5 minute bottle and parts wash, and 5 minutes getting bottles and parts ready to pump again in 3 to 4 hours hours... I do wish it was easier for me to nurse, cause its looking pretty awesome right now............................*sigh* (my poor boobs)
I could go on and on about my process during the day, it gets pretty tedious and OCD and I dont want to scare anyone from procreating =]
We have a busy few months ahead of us, lots to look forward too and lots if milestones to hit =] We are off to Lincoln County again this Saturday to take a few photos, celebrate Brylees 1st birthday and visit family. It took me a couple weeks to complete this blog due to... everything.... My goal for my next blog is 1 week!!!! I will be amazed if I can complete a blog in one sitting.... off to give Kylie her mute button =] Take care!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Orlo, Jamie, and Rascal plus 1
Life with our new plus one is amazing. Its challenging, tiring, sweet, and bitter, but AMAZING! Its allready been a month and Kylie is still as sweet as a peach.There has been so many memories allready made and I feel like its a new experience everyday. Since we brought our peanut home its been a little different in the Cox home. Nights are now up to her, I am up about every three hours during the night to change her, feed her, or just give her a pacifier. I am a 24 hour milk machine, I tried breast feeding for almost 2 weeks and ended up hurting myself with doing it inccorectly.Although we rarely nurse, she is still getting the good stuff =] Kylie has allready been to the cabin 2 times and went fishing last Sunday! We stopped @ lake called Apsen Mirror Lake, she didnt catch much but a few Z's. She met her boyfriend Finn and boy is he ADORABLE! We love the Ruby family =]
Kylies first bath was around 2 and 1/2 weeks old and she LOVED it! She had the happiest look on her face! I am not sure if it was the warm water or the pooh she took in the water. Either way, I love giving her baths before bed, she loves it. Mmmm the smell of clean baby =]
Kylies first bath was around 2 and 1/2 weeks old and she LOVED it! She had the happiest look on her face! I am not sure if it was the warm water or the pooh she took in the water. Either way, I love giving her baths before bed, she loves it. Mmmm the smell of clean baby =]
We have a water baby on our hands! She took her first swim in Nana's pool. At first she screamed, then she loved it. We hung out in the water for a little while and she kind of fell asleep. Kylie has allready done so much, she has a huge smile and is getting to be a pro @ holding her head up! Life if deffinately different, there is not a second in the day that I am not thinking of Kylie. Life evolves around our sweet baby angel, and it goes too fast! We are head over heals in love with her and the way things are going. She is a great baby, her cries are few and she sleeps so peaceful. She likes to stay awake during the day and kick her legs as fast as she can and fling her arms all over like a crazy girl, she is so active! So far we are extremely lucky to have a healthy happy baby =] Next week are going to Lincoln County to meet everyone! She is going to meet her GREAT GREAT grandma Cynthia and so many others who have not met her=] We are going for a week and she is having her first Labor Day in Pioche with great family and friends =]
We finally got to meet handsome Dextri!!!!
Holding her head up =]
Friday, August 5, 2011
The birth of Kylie Ann Cox
I went to my full due date of 40 weeks and since there was not any progress my Dr and I decided to be induced on Friday the 22nd at 10AM. We did final touches the night before and woke up early Friday out of anxiousness:) Me, Orlo, and my mom showed up at the hospital ready to go just to find out I am still not dialated (which I could have told them that)so they decided to insert a medicine that softened my cervix and I can not be induced for 12 hours after it's inserted. In all honesty I wanted to just go home and wait it out but what the heck, were here. About 3 hours went by and I was contracting like crazy, getting more and more painful. I was nauseated and threw up 1 of my 4 times. I was concerned how much the contractions hurt an they were minutes apart and we convinced the nurse to check my dilation. ( they are not supposed to check until the 12 hours were complete)so she checked since I was feeling quite a bit, I was dialated to a 2! A couple hours later I was having a contraction every minute and my mom, Orlo, and Orlos mom, and Missy had to hear me every hour and vomit 2 more times :) the nurse came in and seen all my contractions and what was going on and she said she would give me my epidural and make me dialated to a five! Music to my ears! Turns out I was basically in labor once they inserted the cervix thing!Turned out I did not need to be induced which I was so happy for! So I got the epidural which was cake! Nothing to be scared of with the epidural:) my legs slowly started to turn to jello but I could still feel the contractions slightly, more so toward the end. A couple hours went by and I was feeling so much pressure to push and so we told the nurse and she checked me an we were ready to push! I think I shocked the nurses since it was supposed to be a 12 hour process before any of this was supposed to start. I was at a 10, and pushed for 2 hours until we got to see our baby girls face :) pushing was a challenge, after the first hour I was exhausted , but all worth it. She finally decided to arrive at 11:24 pm and had a fever and was not breathing so well, It took a good 4 to 5 minutes befor I could hear her cry and get her breathing, the longest 4 minutes of my life . Orlo was standing in my way so I couldn't see her and thank God I had him, his mom, and mine to get me through those horrible 4 min. I wanted to hold and see her so bad, but all I got was a quick hello , they took her straight to the NICU to keep an eye on her for a few hours. At 3am Orlo and I FINALLY had her in our arms. Much better to see her in person rather than pictures Orlo was sending from the NICU. It was a long couple of days in the hospital but she is healthy and happy and ready to go home to her new home and meet her big brother Rascal. 
She is allready 2 weeks old today and time really does FLY. She is the apple of our eyes. I couldnt have asked for a more precious, sweet, beautiful, healthy baby girl. There isnt anything that could make me upset as long as I have her =] Orlo is amazing and everything is just coming so naturally now. This little girl will be nothing short of love from all sides of the family. Orlo and I are some lucky parents to a wonderful baby girl =]
She is allready 2 weeks old today and time really does FLY. She is the apple of our eyes. I couldnt have asked for a more precious, sweet, beautiful, healthy baby girl. There isnt anything that could make me upset as long as I have her =] Orlo is amazing and everything is just coming so naturally now. This little girl will be nothing short of love from all sides of the family. Orlo and I are some lucky parents to a wonderful baby girl =]
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Alaska and a Baby Shower all in a weekend
Orlo had a great time in Alaska, he brought home tons of fish! Mostly Salmon and Halibut. He caught some crabs out of the ocean and they cooked those up and ate them, and on top of being a crab fisherman he seen a Deadliest Catch guy!!!! It was captain Phils oldest son! =] I told him to chase him down and get a picture but Orlo said NO WAY, THATS STALKERISH!Orlo got to sit co-pilot in the float plane and he sent me pictures of him holding the stearing wheel of the plane flying it, I know its probably not a "stearing wheel" but thats what im calling it. I sure do love my fisherman =]

Sunday, May 22, 2011
A small update =]
Hiccups! As uncomparable as this may be, I felt like my baby had just said her first words =] She had a bad case of the hiccups 2 nights ago. I was unsure at first what was happening but come to find out it was her little baby hiccups!!! I felt it every time, makes my heart melt… over a hiccup really? I wanted to burst into tears but I held it back cause who knows what Orlos reaction would be if I were to cry over hiccups. I was so extatic over hiccups!
The past week hit me what felt like a load of bricks. I feel like all of the sudden I took on an extra 20 pounds, even though I am no where near an extra 20… yet…
I am unbelievably uncomfortable most of the night and a most part of my day. I can’t find a position the baby likes, if I find a way to sit she insists on moving on my bladder or kicking me until I move. She is a mover, I had to ask my Dr. yesterday if all of this movement is ok, which of course it is, but it feels like she is literally stretching her whole body out and kicking her legs and arms back and forth non stop! Which then leads to my never ending case of acid reflux and heartburn. I could really do without the heartburn, it makes me in the worst mood, you might as well stick a fork in me, I’m done when it comes to this heart burn. Here I am at a long awaited 31 weeks! The past week hit me what felt like a load of bricks. I feel like all of the sudden I took on an extra 20 pounds, even though I am no where near an extra 20… yet…
I do love seeing her move though, my belly takes on so many shapes when I can sit and watch her. I don’t know what limb it is but you can literally see an arm or leg or elbow move completely across my stomach! I have caught it on video once or twice so far. I will have to post it, im just a little uneasy of my fur I have been growing on my belly and around my belly button. Yes … fur. I have never had to shave so often, I could go days without shaving my legs before, now my hair is growing like a chia pet, shaving is NOT an easy task anymore!
One of my best friends is getting Married this weekend and I could not be more happy for her =] I would do back flips for her if I could! Austin is amazing, she and I have the best relationship and understanding. I love when she comes over and we chit chat all night and attempt to get some projects done. She is a very important person in my life and I wish her nothing but pure happiness with her marriage and I will hope and pray for Bevin to come home safe to her from Iraq.

Friday, April 22, 2011
Oh for the Love!!
Our sweet 100 pound lap dog Rascal is adjusting pretty well to all the changes going on in the house for the new baby. I was painting monkeys on the wall the past couple weekends and he loves to lay in the room while were in there. I’m curious to see if that will be his new sleeping spot when the baby comes =] It would definitely give us more room on OUR bed. Rascal is going to be a big brother and were so excited to bring him home a baby sister. We love our dog way too much, he is such a great dog, more like a kid really. His heart is as big as his head, and that’s pretty dang big. He is a cuddle bug and gives the biggest kisses anytime you want one. He loves to be touched, he always leans on Orlo or lays his head on you. He found a new favorite spot the other day , he loves to sleep on my pregnancy pillow! My heart melts every time I see him. His eyes are the most genuine sweetest eyes ever!!!
On the pregnancy side, everything is going great! We had a 3D ultrasound and got a peek @ her features. Yep, she is gonna have my nose that’s for sure =] Last night Orlo was watching my belly while I was laying down and she was moving like a crazy person in there!! My belly was moving like someone was trying to get out! It was pretty crazy.Orlo then noticed a dark line from my belly button to my pubic bone… Something I obviously didn’t see, since I cant see my own feet. He had to take me to our mirror to point it out. Oh the joys of my body changing in every way possible!!!! Its amazing how someone you have never met can make such a difference in your life. Being pregnant with our sweet baby girl has impacted me in more ways than one. Regardless of what happens in our life it seems like I am finding little ways to just work it out, move on, forgive and forget, and even smile when sometimes all I want to do is scream. There is a much more important person coming into our family in July and she is the reason for everything I do now. Who has time to worry about petty drama when you have such a beautiful thing happening. I have notice I am more relaxed and collected, no more stressed out Jamie.(But only when I’m not in one of my “hormonal mood swings” ;)
No one can bring down the newly made Cox Family =] Were are one tough little soon to be family who has such an adventure set for us with a great family and great friends =]
Monday, April 4, 2011
6 months!
6 months pregnant!!!! I am just now starting to feel the “inconveniences” of pregnancy… Right now my belly is no longer unnoticeable, and it is definitely a hand magnet; which I don’t mind at all. The lady @ the grocery store noticed I was pregnant? You mean it doesn’t just look like an extra layer hanging right above my pant line anymore?? NICE ! My pants still fit but tend to fall down and show a little plumbers crack on occasion since my hip bones are disappearing and are no longer working as suspenders. My shirts are a whole different story; they just keep rolling up my stomach like Gus the mouse in Cinderella. I am determined not to buy maternity clothes and just go with extra large tanks and wife beaters, well see how it works out. I could go on for days about clothes not fitting, but this time when I say “ I have absolutely nothing to wear” looking a closet full of clothes, I really mean it this time and im not just saying it to get Orlo to take me to Kohls and get a cute new top. Besides the 6 pound weight gain, much more has happened since my last blissful post on pregnancy. I make at least 1 trip every 2 hours to the restroom and I wake up at least 3 to 4 times @ night to use the potty, and when I say wake up, I am rarely in a somber sleep. Trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in is difficult when you were a full time belly sleeper pre pregnancy. I am now a “roller” I guess you could call it, sitting straight up out of bed or getting off the couch is not a easy 1-2-3 step anymore, its still easier than its going to be when I’m 8-9 months pregnant but it’s a change for me and it’s a pain in my butt. I just do a backward rocking movement before I sit up and I tend to pop right up=] I tried to plop my 6 lb heavier butt on the counter yesterday and failed, I feel so out of shape and useless sometimes=[ I sometimes forget I have an appendage on my belly now and have to take it easy. The last thing I will complain about it bending over, I look like a sumo wrestler trying to pick something up!! Legs spread and knees bent. I have never been so upset about dropping something on the floor until I was pregnant. Needless to say I feel like a COW and I have 3 more months to go! But all for a good reason =] Worth every pound and every kick to my uterus our baby girl gives me.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mandi & Wyatt
: Mandi & Wyatt :
I recently got the opportunity to spend some time photographing a beautiful couple who I admire so much. Wyatt is an absoulute doll who gets to spend the rest of his life with a beautiful person inside and out. I love working with them and being able to be a part of their journey...

I recently got the opportunity to spend some time photographing a beautiful couple who I admire so much. Wyatt is an absoulute doll who gets to spend the rest of his life with a beautiful person inside and out. I love working with them and being able to be a part of their journey...
Mandi is such a whole hearted sweetheart, she truely smiles with her heart. I am so lucky to call her a friend. I often catch myself admirig her amazing personality and charm, if there is someone I would like to be more like it would be her.
I took hundreds of photos that day and hard the hardest time picking a handful I wanted to share. But here are just few of my many many favorites. 

Obviously Blue Eyed Babies are in the future

Best of luck and so much more to the newly weds, you two have something very special, God couldn't have picked 2 better people to be matched together =]
Thursday, March 3, 2011
All fingers and toes accounted for =]
Today marks 5 months pregnant with our baby girl! What a exciting ride its been so far and only to have triple the excitement coming! Orlo keeps telling me “half way there, half way there” I am half way through this pregnancy?! To be quite honest it has been great. I had maybe 2 weeks of feeling crumby and a little nauseated, then after that I felt amazing. But lets not lie, I have the occasional emotional break down, tears pouring on my lap from an animal planet commercial, or crying from… I don’t know, I forgot… but @ that time it was dang important and you were gonna’ hear about it! My most recent “break down” was funny after the ten minutes of screaming and crying. My scrub bottoms got stuck on my foot and I had a conniption! It was all down hill from there, I ripped my jeans by putting my foot through a ripped hole, my tank top squished my newly found full B boobies where I almost couldn’t breathe, it hurt to brush my hair, which lead to slamming my brush on the counter top and screaming and crying at the top of my lungs. Orlo came to my rescue! He sat me down on the tub, adjusted the straps on my top and with the cutest smile just said “everything is fine”. Between the crying, my clumsiness, and forgetfulness, I’m feelin’ pretty good. Oh and by the way, what is up with this heartburn!!! Heartburn from ice cream!!! Who ever heard of such a thing!
I am just now feeling the baby starting to move, my heart melted when Orlo finally got to feel the movements with his hand the first time. Immediate smile on his face! I managed to fight back my tears like a big girl =] Orlo is amazing; such a booger at times, but he is going to be a great dad.
We had our gender check ultrasound a couple weeks ago and seen every little inch of this little girl. All fingers and toes accounted for!(even the thumb she has been sucking on is still there) Two arms, two legs, check! I was so convinced it was a boy that I was in shock when the lady said “it’s a girl!”, I feel like an idiot now, but I asked her, “are you sure?” LOL We had most all of our family there in the room with us for the ultrasound, which meant so so much to me. My mom and step dad, his mom and dad, his sister, and our cousin Mandy made it so special =] Right next door was a baby store so we went straight there, and Orlo kinda wondered around looking at all pinks, and the princesses, and castles… I could just imagine what was going through his head. He is already thinking 15 years from now which gun he is going to have by the door when a boy comes over. Well 5 months down, roughly 4 more to go!
I am just now feeling the baby starting to move, my heart melted when Orlo finally got to feel the movements with his hand the first time. Immediate smile on his face! I managed to fight back my tears like a big girl =] Orlo is amazing; such a booger at times, but he is going to be a great dad.
We had our gender check ultrasound a couple weeks ago and seen every little inch of this little girl. All fingers and toes accounted for!(even the thumb she has been sucking on is still there) Two arms, two legs, check! I was so convinced it was a boy that I was in shock when the lady said “it’s a girl!”, I feel like an idiot now, but I asked her, “are you sure?” LOL We had most all of our family there in the room with us for the ultrasound, which meant so so much to me. My mom and step dad, his mom and dad, his sister, and our cousin Mandy made it so special =] Right next door was a baby store so we went straight there, and Orlo kinda wondered around looking at all pinks, and the princesses, and castles… I could just imagine what was going through his head. He is already thinking 15 years from now which gun he is going to have by the door when a boy comes over. Well 5 months down, roughly 4 more to go!
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