Saturday was my baby shower and it was absoulutly amazing!! My mother in Law and the girls of the family threw it all togther and it was PERFECT! They are so creative and crafty down to the last detail. Amazing food, favors, games,gifts, decorations and amazing friends and family.It was so exciting, my first baby and baby shower, what a memory!! I want to thank everyone who came, it meant so much to me that everyone was able to make it. And they all spoiled baby Kylie with the greatest gifts!! We are truly blessed to have such great people in our lives. Having our house filled with diapers and all the baby stuff is so surreal,I can not wait to have her! Again Thank you everyone! I can not say thank you enough to Wendy and everyone for the great great great gifts!

Orlo had been fishing in Alaska since Wednesday and got back this Sunday. I know I am only 33 weeks but it was very nerve racking that he was so far away. I was not feeling very good Friday and was extremely nervous. Turns out my uterus is irritable! I was having contractions and my belly was being fussy with me and im achy all over. I need to keep up with my water intake apparently =[ shame on me! I also have started to swell, it all Started Saturday. My feet were puffy and were so sore, it would sting when I would take a step. My hands were next, it would hurt to make a fist =[ My ring was stuck on my finger for a day and a half! After erands that kicked my butt Sunday I kicked my feet up and rested for a little bit and finally won my war with my ring thanks to a ton of dish soap and water =] Time for me to start slowing down a little I think, I keep pushing myself cause I know things have to get done and there is so much to be prepared for and I feel like I never stop. I swear I just swept and mopped a week ago and now I have to do it again! My weekends are full in June, Family reunion on the 11th, Jens baby shower the next and fathers day, my moms is throwing a luncheon baby shower the weekend after that in Caliente.Can someone please add another day to the week or even an extra hour or 2 after i get off work so I can get my head on straight Allright enough whining!
Orlo had a great time in Alaska, he brought home tons of fish! Mostly Salmon and Halibut. He caught some crabs out of the ocean and they cooked those up and ate them, and on top of being a crab fisherman he seen a Deadliest Catch guy!!!! It was captain Phils oldest son! =] I told him to chase him down and get a picture but Orlo said NO WAY, THATS STALKERISH!Orlo got to sit co-pilot in the float plane and he sent me pictures of him holding the stearing wheel of the plane flying it, I know its probably not a "stearing wheel" but thats what im calling it. I sure do love my fisherman =]

So bummed I missed it! The last shower they put on was phenom! Will make it up to you and baby k : )