Today marks 5 months pregnant with our baby girl! What a exciting ride its been so far and only to have triple the excitement coming! Orlo keeps telling me “half way there, half way there” I am half way through this pregnancy?! To be quite honest it has been great. I had maybe 2 weeks of feeling crumby and a little nauseated, then after that I felt amazing. But lets not lie, I have the occasional emotional break down, tears pouring on my lap from an animal planet commercial, or crying from… I don’t know, I forgot… but @ that time it was dang important and you were gonna’ hear about it! My most recent “break down” was funny after the ten minutes of screaming and crying. My scrub bottoms got stuck on my foot and I had a conniption! It was all down hill from there, I ripped my jeans by putting my foot through a ripped hole, my tank top squished my newly found full B boobies where I almost couldn’t breathe, it hurt to brush my hair, which lead to slamming my brush on the counter top and screaming and crying at the top of my lungs. Orlo came to my rescue! He sat me down on the tub, adjusted the straps on my top and with the cutest smile just said “everything is fine”. Between the crying, my clumsiness, and forgetfulness, I’m feelin’ pretty good. Oh and by the way, what is up with this heartburn!!! Heartburn from ice cream!!! Who ever heard of such a thing!
I am just now feeling the baby starting to move, my heart melted when Orlo finally got to feel the movements with his hand the first time. Immediate smile on his face! I managed to fight back my tears like a big girl =] Orlo is amazing; such a booger at times, but he is going to be a great dad.

We had our gender check ultrasound a couple weeks ago and seen every little inch of this little girl. All fingers and toes accounted for!(even the thumb she has been sucking on is still there) Two arms, two legs, check! I was so convinced it was a boy that I was in shock when the lady said “it’s a girl!”, I feel like an idiot now, but I asked her, “are you sure?” LOL We had most all of our family there in the room with us for the ultrasound, which meant so so much to me. My mom and step dad, his mom and dad, his sister, and our cousin Mandy made it so special =] Right next door was a baby store so we went straight there, and Orlo kinda wondered around looking at all pinks, and the princesses, and castles… I could just imagine what was going through his head. He is already thinking 15 years from now which gun he is going to have by the door when a boy comes over. Well 5 months down, roughly 4 more to go!